Negative space is the “unused” space in a picture. While it’s technically unused, negative space acts as the border for the image, helping define it and give it shape. While negative space can be ignored, it plays a vital role in design. When used effectively, negative space can drastically change a design.
On a fundamental level, negative space is essential to the composition of a design. It’s crucial in the way different elements are placed in a design. Too many components with insufficient space feel crowded, confused, and cluttered. Too much negative space can feel dull, underthought, and poorly executed.
Logo design can take advantage of negative design by leveraging the existing subject to create subtle optical illusions and add meaning.
Why Use Negative Space in Logo Design?
Using negative space requires balance and creativity. Customers appreciate the whimsical and fun design that highlights the company’s ability to think outside the box.
A simple, sleek logo goes further than a chaotic and cluttered one. Negative space adds depth quickly and easily, lending a unique look to a few simple elements.
A clever logo sticks in people’s minds more readily. Negative space elevates a logo above a generic look, helping your company stand out. Creative negative space use sticks in people’s minds while getting them thinking.
A negative space is a great way to engage people’s minds and creativity. The optical illusions that can be made with negative space drive customer engagement hugely and can even lead to the next viral conversation (think blue and black dress)
The standard design is old and boring. Using a unique twist through negative space will help your logo stand out as the industry’s future, showing your company isn’t the same as those other brands.
Types of Negative Spaces
Double Entendres
Blend positive and negative space using empty space within a symbol or text. This image can be understood in two ways, lending depth and meaning to the logo. These can also represent their business name and say something about their company, allowing for a warm fuzzy feeling in customers.
Hidden Images
Hiding a relevant image or symbol within a negative space is a popular and a fun way to add meaning and connections to a brand. This drives customer engagement and interest.
You can use negative space to shape the borders of letters. Hiding these within the rest of the logo design can create a striking optical illusion that speaks volumes with very little.
Negative space and positive space combine to create a whole image. Juxtaposing these opposing forces to relate a full image might sound confusing, but it’s as simple as allowing your eyes to automatically fill in the space left by allowing for negative space.
Tips for Making a Negative Space Logo
Embrace the Space
Keep negative space in mind while creating. It can be easy to forget about, but remember, it’s not merely a border for your image. It’s a living, breathing element that can be incorporated into the picture.
Add by Subtracting
The limited space available in logo design isn’t a con- it’s a pro that encourages the use of negative space. Find the design parts that can be subtracted and replaced with negative space.
Plan for Negative Space from the Beginning
Rather than going back after your first draft and adding negative space, try to plan for it from the beginning. Be aware of it from the get-go, and you’ll make your task easier.
Think Out of the Box
Negative space is an unorthodox design and therefore needs to be used to its utmost in an unorthodox way. Stay away from generic or overly simplified designs.
Using Negative Space Adds to Your Logo
Although the word negative has a, well, negative connotation, using negative space adds flavor and spice to your logo. The most innovative and embraced logos that are beloved by millions engage the creativity and minds of customers through the use of negative space.